DMTVISION was founded in 2000, with the mission of offering our clients around the world the best anti-aging products for the best price.
DMTVISIONis the authorized distributor for all products we sell.
We deliver high quality products to our buyers around the globe.
The company sells safe and effective aesthetics devices and other anti-aging products for home use.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Our locations:
London, United Kingdom - customer service and return merchandise (for European customers only)
Tel: 020-32866569
Please note that we will ship directly from the manufacturer (which is not necessarily in the UK)
New York, United States - Warehouse, customer service and return merchandise (for US/Canada customers only)
***(please note that we don't ship Silkn products to the USA)
Tel: (718)710-4643
Herzeliya, Israel - Office&Storage
Tel: 077-3315008